Spaghettata : Quel Succès!

Plus de 375 invités ont participé à notre première édition de la Spaghettata. Quel succès! Grâce à votre très grande générosité, FANDS a amassé plus de 10 000$ pour notre cour d’école!
On behalf of the organising committee and the EBNDS community, we would like to thank the following moms for volunteerting their time, we could’nt have done it without them!
- Mina Ladores
- Dimitra Kafantaris
- Rachelle Casson
- Elisa Rossi
- Karine Gore
- Jessica Haddad
- Stefanie Kalil
We would also like to send a special thank you to our donors who graciously donated towards our raffle prizes;
- Eastman Spa
- Station 5
- Amanda Cournoyer
- Di Iorio Family
- Morena Family
- Annie Hebert Lalonde & Family
- Kalil Family
- Frintzilas Family
- Ferri Family
- Sasso Family
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